Friends of Walhachin Society (FOW)
Supports the enhancement of our community & welcomes all to share their talents & resources to promote & preserve our area.
Located at 4359 Central Avenue, Walhachin, B.C. V0K 2P0. The Walhachin Soldiers Memorial Hall was built by the pioneers in 1911 & contains the museum established in 2011. The cenotaph was constructed in 2018.
- Assu Nydam, President FOW 250 318-6100
- Joris Ekering, Vice-President FOW 250 457-0561
- Leanne Morden, Curator & Secretary/Treasurer FOW 250 320-5927
Walhaschindig – A day of family fun featuring local musicians. 1st Saturday of June annually. 10am to 6pm.